Blog in the Pocket
Mobile Web Server allows creating simple Blogs running directly on hard disk, portable or mobile device. The "Blog" directory of the server demo content sets the example. Creating a .txt (regular plain text) file in the "Blog" directory adds a new Blog. The file name is used as the Blog title automatically. Deleting the file removes the Blog. The Blog count is unlimited. Posts to the Blog can be added by anybody without limits (while the directory is not protected by password, see Secure Pages for the details). The Blog management is performed by editing the related text file with any text editor; the blog containing file is simple text file. Every post occupies separate line of the text file; unwanted posts can be deleted by removing the correspondent lines.
Mobile Web Server prompts when a new post arrives by playing a standard "ding" short sound. Mobile Web Server displays link to the latest Blog post made in link window of the main dialog. Double-clicking the link (or pressing ActionButton on mobile devices) opens local web browser navigated to the post, so the post is available for review promptly.